
Teaching. It ain't what it used to be.

Teaching. It ain't what it used to be...

I don't even know what that means, because ever since I started teaching I thought it was a pretty messed up profession. That's probably why I love it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Holy Head Lice!

A tiny black bug just dropped from my hair.  I was blowing my nose and I felt something move near my face.  There it was in the bathroom mirror... hanging from the ends of my side swept bang.  Bam!  It flung to the floor.  I examined it for a moment nestled in a wad of tissue paper before flushing it.  Whoosh!

Suddenly, my head itches all over.  I start thinking about Geneva and Hope and Olivia.  Why didn't I send the other two girls to the nurse to get their hair checked, too?  What does lice look like anyways?

I go and google head lice.  There are 8 billion pictures of lice.  Is that the bug that just came out of my hair?  I wish I hadn't flushed it so quickly.

I call Matt.  Okay.  You can't laugh.  You can't be grossed out and you have to promise to help me.

Okay, but you are kinda freaking me out.

Seriously.   Don't laugh.


Okay.  I need you to come over and check me for lice.  Remember when I told you that Geneva had it last Friday?  I let those dang kids climb all over me.  They play with my hair and hug me and I just can't be mean.

Baby, just feel around your head.  See if you can feel one of them.

(Mentally crushed and emotionally breaking down inside.)  Nooooo!  I can't.  Please.  Please, just come and look.  I can't see them.  I don't know what they look like.  My head itches.  I need you to check.  Please.

Okay, baby.  I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Now, that is love.  The man brought a flashlight.  And he didn't even make fun of me.... well, mostly.  He only told me I had lice twice before I got the all clear.  Now, that's what I call homework.

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