I'm a teacher. Sort of. That's my job title. I've taught third grade, fourth grade, second grade, and fifth grade. I've substituted from kindergarten all the way up to senior year and in the gym. And most of the time I knew what I was doing, especially if you take out the first semester that I ever taught. And by most of the time, I mean 51% of the time. Most meaning more than half.
Here's the scary part. I'm one of the good ones. I really care. I like my job. I work hard at it. I try to do it well. I am engaged in being the best teacher that I can possibly be, because I believe that it matters. I know that what I do directly impacts the learning and lives of the students in my classroom right now and in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. And I still fuck up. All the time. There is just no way to get this job right the first time, every time. It takes constant practice, diligence, and refinement.
If you spent a day in the classroom with me, you would know what I'm talking about. And you would understand why I say that I'm only sort of a teacher. Sometimes, I feel more like a referee or a prison guard or a counselor or a medic. Even when someone isn't fighting or brooding or crying or injured, I had to step up my game in order to engage the students more in the classroom. So, I feel a bit like a rap star sometimes. I've found that there is very little that I won't do to keep my kids in line.
My intention for this blog is to keep it short and sweet. I have soooooo many quips from over the years that I don't think that I can possibly run out in one week. Let's kick it off with one of my all time favorites:
The time Jordan stole mace from my desk and sprayed Moquanna with it, causing a classroom evacuation that led to a "whole school" evacuation in response to a false "chemical warfare"drill. Sweet!
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